Everything You Need to Know About Poinsettias


What You Need to Know About Poinsettias

  • Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans. A study showed that a fifty pound child would need to consume 500 leaves in order to be sick. However, they taste terrible and would cause diarrhea and vomiting in your pets.
  • December 12 is Poinsettia Day, which marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1851, who introduced the plant to the US.
  • Poinsettias are native to Mexico, where Poinsett was a US ambassador. There, they are a perennial shrub that grows up to fifteen feet. Believe it or not, they were once considered weeds.
  • Though they symbolize Christmas in North America, poinsettias are not frost tolerant.
  • The colorful parts of the plant are not flowers at all. They are modified leaves. The flowers are the yellow buds in the middle of the bracts. Once the flowers shed their pollen, the leaves drop. So, if you’re looking for a plant to last the whole season, look for plants with less or no pollen showing.
  • The color of the leaves is created through a process called “photoperiodism,” developed by Paul Ecke. This means that the plant needs 12 hours straight of darkness for a period of five days. Though, once the color develops, they need abundant amounts of light.
  • The Paul Ecke Ranch located in California is now responsible for 70% of poinsettia sales in America. Before 1991, they had even more of this market because they had a secret technique that caused every seedling to branch. That method has since been discovered, decreasing their share of the market.

Caring For Your Poinsettia

Though the Poinsettia is the official Christmas plant, you must be sure that it is not exposed to very low temperatures for any period of time. You should even avoid letting it lean on or touch cold windows.

At home, unwrap your poinsettia and place in indirect light, ideally for six hours a day in a climate of 60-70 degrees. Temperatures any higher will shorten the life of your poinsettia.

Soil should always be damp. Be sure to put holes in the foil so water can drain and discard the excess water. If the plant wilts, the bracts will drop sooner.

Fertilize with a houseplant fertilizer if you wish to keep your poinsettia past the holiday season. With good care, it will last from 6-8 weeks in your home.

Do you use poinsettias as holiday decor?

Image: iStockPhoto

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  • poinsettia
  • poinsettias
  • poinsettias safe
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Melissa Bader is an English teacher who loves to sit outside and read in her hammock while watching her husband do the gardening. Melissa has two children, a boy and girl. She finds time to write while sitting in the rocking chairs while waiting for them to go to sleep. When not blogging about gardening, Melissa is working on a women’s fiction novel.