The Best Indoor Plants

house plants

Not only are house plants beautiful and easy decorating accessories for all the rooms in your home, they are good for you too. House plants increase the oxygen and clear out toxins, naturally purifying the air you breathe everyday. Studies have shown that houseplants can even reduce stress levels, in the similar way that nature does. So try creating a healthy, relaxing and restful environment by adding several of the following indoor plants to your home, and breathe easier knowing these plants will not only brighten your home, but as you are taking care of them — they are taking care of you, too!

* Dracaena — This plant resembles a cornstalk, having a single upright stem and variegated leaves. For a lusher appearance, plant several together in one large container. Dracaena does well in medium to bright light and between 60 and 75 degrees.

* Dieffenbachia — If you love the tropical look, this plant fits the bill. This plant produces cane-like stems and extremely lush foliage of green and white. You can grow it to look like a small tree by planting one by itself, or go for a more shrub-like appearance by planting several plants together in a single container. Dieffenbachia does great in low to medium light, between 60 and 80 degrees, and kept evenly moist.

* Snake Plant — This succulent tolerates neglect very well, so if you haven’t enjoyed much success with other houseplants, this indestructible houseplant is the one for you. It has straight-up growing leaves which resemble swords, and tolerates low light and 60 to 85 degree temperatures.

* Philodendron — This popular, much-adored indoor plant has very durable foliage, and looks stunning when its heart-shaped leaves trail over the edges of bookshelves or other large furniture, as well as when planted in pretty hanging baskets. This plant adapts well to low lighted areas, but tolerates bright light as well.

* Zeezee Plant — This funny-named plant is also known as the “Eternity Plant” because it lasts so long, and is another gorgeous, tropical succulent that tolerates neglect well. It has leafstalks that are so thick and fleshy they are sometimes mistaken for being plastic! This extremely hard-to-kill plant is slow-growing, so if you want a big one you should purchase a large plant. Does well in any kind of light, but cut stems will stay green for weeks without any water.

These are just a sampling of the many no-fuss houseplants you can grow indoors. Do a little research on your own and discover the many more plants that easily thrive in home environments. Bring color and life into your home, and enjoy being surrounded by nature, no matter what the weather is like outside.


Photo Credit: Thinkstock

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Michele Wert lives in Maryland and has 3 grown children, 2 grandsons, and a new granddaughter due in August. She's worked with children on the autism spectrum for 20 years. Michele's passions are writing, her grandkids, photography, the beach, and baseball. She is a Baltimore Orioles FANATIC! Michele is currently writing a book about a little boy who has autism.