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]]>According to PetMD, Holly and Mistletoe actually have greater toxicity levels than poinsettias. If ingested by pets, high blood pressure, severe nausea and extreme stomach pain can occur. If your child eats enough berries from these plants, it can be fatal.
These plants are seen quite frequently during the holidays. The leaves have an alkaloid poison called lycorine that is toxic to children, pets and even adults.
The berries from this plant are very similar to tomatoes, and little kids might not know the difference. If eaten, they can cause gastric upset and vomiting in humans. However, they can be lethal to dogs, cats and birds.
So, remember this list when you’re planning on gift giving or decorating your house. There are a ton of great ways to add some pretty plants to your home that won’t cause a possible fatality.
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]]>The post 3 Tips for Successful Gardens In Small Spaces appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>First thing to do is plan your garden. If you have a small garden, you have to utilize the space. Plan carefully with your space! Use trellises to encourage vining plants to go up, rather than out, and plant plants that are use to small spaces. Make sure you know exactly how much plant real estate you have, because the difference between 1 square foot and 1.5 square feet can mean the difference of another amazing plant! If you want more space than you’ve got, consider planters that sit on railings or other pots that are easily adapted into your yard or patio.
If you’ve only got enough space for a couple of plants, then plant something you can use. Love tomatoes? Plant a tomato plant! Focus on planting fruiting plants, since they’ll give you something edible, and avoid planting too many flowers. Flowers are beautiful, but they don’t really give you anything besides something to look at. Planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and beans can help supply you with excitable edibles. These types of fruits are also perfect for small spaces, and have species that are specifically grown to fit into small areas. If you have the space, you could even try a dwarf fruit tree that is suited for a container. These types of fruits have been specifically bred to give you a tree that will thrive in a small space and still give you something during the harvesting season.
Whether you’re planting seeds or seedlings, you’ll want to check out your soil beforehand. Potted plants and bedded plants alike need plenty of nutrients, especially if you’re packing them into small spaces. Fertilizer doesn’t always do the job, so you’re going to need to check on your soil. You can take samples of it to your local nursery and see if they can check it out for you, to see whether it’s too acidic, too basic, or too sandy. When you plant your plants, be sure to mix your normal soil with the correct growing medium. These are available at nearly any nursery, right alongside the potting soil. There’s manure, nutrient-packed gardening soil, and other “growing media” that will help your plants get the boost they need. Make sure you have their home ready before planting your new plants, as you’d be setting them up for success or failure. Do your research, and you’ll be the proud owner of an amazing small space garden!
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]]>The post Indoor Plants You Should Have In Your Apartment appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>I have had this baby with me for over 20 years and counting. This wonderful plant is green with yellow blotches and it will crawl all over your apartment to help with the décor. I trained mine to grow around my window like a curtain, and it looks marvelous. It has lasted so long because it will withstand if you forget to water it for days, and it is hard to kill. When a vine falls off or if you break it, you can root it in a glass of water and create a whole other plant. I have rooted some in old glass juice bottles and skinny soda bottles and they will make you look like a real gardener.
This plant sticks straight up like a knife with a point at the tip. If you brush it the wrong way you could stab yourself in the arm. It is tough as nails and will last if you forget to water it. It’s also great for travelers, because I took a trip for a week once and left the plant sitting in a cup of water. When I came home the cup had turned over and it was dry as a bone, but the plant looked just fine. That was about 20 years ago and I still have this plant today, so believe me when I say you can mange one on your own too.
I live in the desert so I see these outside every day, but there are those varieties that make good house plants. If you don’t have a green thumb, this plant can take all kinds of abuse and give it right back if you touch it the wrong way. I would not advise this if you have small children who like to touch and grab things, but a single lonely guy or girl can give a cactus a good home.
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]]>The post Get The Most Bang For Your Buck With These 5 Plants appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>Having a showy, lavish garden can be quite an expensive undertaking. The good news is, there are a number of plants you can buy without emptying your wallet of every last cent. Several of the plants we’re about to show you provide a touch to your garden that isn’t typical in your average garden. Create a stunning display on a budget with plants that give you the most for your money.
These Showy Plants Cost Less than you Think:
Growing this plant from seed (which costs mere pennies) allows you the freedom to experiment with its many varieties. Each variety of this plant is so unique, they might appear from outer space. Look for the “crested” variety that has a brainy-look to it, as well as the one with fluffy arrow-like plumes. You won’t be disappointed.
Castor Bean
Before we get into the beauty that is this plant, we have to warn you first that it is highly toxic to people and animals. While its exotic nature makes it a great border plant, the seed pods and seeds are deadly poisonous if eaten.
The Castor Bean plant has deep purple-green leaves and striking tiny fuzzy pink flowers that turn to seed pods. These seed pods look great in arrangements, but should be handled with caution as the seeds inside contain the poison ricin.
This is one plant that gives so much more than it takes. For the small investment you make in the beginning, this plant returns ten-fold in extreme beauty. Standing tall with green foliage, the “flowers” hang down in streams of deep red. Because of this, you might also find this plant under the name “Love Lies Bleeding.”
On a side note, this plant is perfectly suited as a dramatic filler in flower arrangements.
Hyacinth Bean
Make an investment in this plant and expect a big return on your investment. This stunning purple plant is not only beautiful, it is edible too. It’s purple-tinted leaves create quite a show as it climbs a fence or trellis. Its light purple flowers stay fresh-looking for long after they’re cut, and the beautiful purple seed pods are lovely in flower arrangements.
The edible parts of this plant include the blooms and the beans but boil the beans twice first. They contain toxins that break down during the boiling process.
Also known as bee balm, this minty-scented plant grows quickly to cover large areas in your garden. If you want to attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds, this is the plant you want. It’s cheap, creates quite the show by itself, but we’re pretty sure it’s the wildlife it attracts that makes this plant well worth the money.
Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have the lavish garden you dream of. Be sure to include the flowers we’ve mentioned above, and take your time researching and exploring other varieties of plants to create a magical garden you can’t wait to spend time in.
Image: iStockPhoto
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]]>The post Top 10 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>This plant happens to be the most common ingredient in mosquito repellents. Citronella is a perennial grass that produces a strong aroma. It is this aroma that keeps mosquitoes away, making it a great choice.
Lemon balm is another great choice for mosquito repellent. Also known as beebalm and horsemint, this plant belongs to the mint family. It grows well in shade and can resist drought. It is very aggressive and keeps mosquitoes out of your home. However, because of its nature there might be a need to contain it in a pot.
Catnip cannot go unmentioned when it comes to the best plants that repel mosquitoes. According to research conducted in 2010, it was discovered that this plant is 10 times effective than DEET. The good thing is that it is very easy to grow and your cats will be happy to have it in the house.
Marigold is a bright annual plant and a great choice for mosquito repellent. It contains an ingredient known as pyrethrum, an ingredient found in a variety of insect repellents, and it is very repulsive to bugs. The flowers are also beautiful and can make a great flower bed.
Do you wish for a double whammy when it comes to protection from mosquitoes? This is not only an easy and quick mosquito repellent but also a fresh herb for all your recipes. Basil comes in a variety of forms but experts recommend cinnamon basil and lemon basil for insect deterring.
Most people know lavender for its lovely purple flowers, as well as its calming and soothing scent. But not many people know that this plant is a natural mosquito repellent! To keep the bugs and mosquitoes away, grow lavender indoors or outside in the garden.
Many bugs and other insects hate the taste and smell of peppermint, so having this plant around your homestead is a good way to keep the unwanted guests away. In case you get bitten, rubbing peppermint leaves on the wound is a great treatment.
For those people who love Italian food, studies have indicated that eating garlic will not keep the mosquitoes away. However, having garlic plants around you can deter mosquitoes. Ensure that you have some garlic plants in the garden for additional protection.
The gorgeous pennyroyal flower is a natural mosquito deterrent. Ensure that you plant plenty of them in the flower garden so as to make them very effective. This plant is a great ground-cover and also attracts butterflies. A section of people use the plant to flavor various dishes.
This is one of the most beautiful plants and is mostly used in flavoring of fish or lamb dishes, but it can also be used as a repellent. Besides keeping mosquitoes out of your home, it also attracts butterflies, making it ideal in your flower garden.
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]]>The post Basics Of Starting An Apartment Vegetable Garden appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>Take about 10 soda bottle planters and fill them with lettuce, oregano, mint, and more, and then use handrails to hang them on.
You can also turn your patio or balcony into a beautiful garden and still maintain its appealing look. What you need to do is get containers out there and line them up nicely, leaving a walkway in the middle. Do this on both sides to make it more symmetrical.
There are very many vertical garden planters in the market today. The beauty of it is that most can be hang on walls, where you can plant vegetables or herbs. However, check with your landlord first to check if he/she is comfortable with it.
Windowsill boxes are perfect when it comes to growing shallow rooted vegetables and herbs. Just like the vertical planters, they need to be secured. You can use whatever structure you have in your apartment. Fill them with soil and plant your vegetables, ensuring they are close to an open place.
Perhaps all you have in your apartment is a front and a small backyard. You do not have to have a fire place or enough room to hang containers; you can use those small places to create your garden. If your landlord isn’t comfortable with using the walls, ask them if you can transform the backyard into a small garden.
Think of it: Many buildings have a lot of space along the sides laying there and not being used. You can make a small garden right there and enjoy fresh vegetables and herbs this season. It is worth inquiring from your landlord if you can place containers and start a garden.
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]]>The post Controlling Bindweed In The Garden appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>Before you go into battle, know your enemy. Bindweed and Morning Glory are very similar to one another. Bindweed is a fast spreading, tenacious, deeply-rooted garden pest that will strangle any plant it touches, and the plants it likes to touch include your vegetable garden and flower beds. With roots that extend into the soil up to 10 feet down and 30 feet wide, and a stem that breaks easily when pulling, leaving the root to quickly re-grow, bindweed is hard to kill. Bindweed can flourish in the tiniest cracks between pavers and railroad ties, and the grass below a raised bed.
While often confused one with another, bindweed and morning glories are two distinct plants. Some gardeners consider morning glories as unwelcome as bindweed because they also climb other plants. However, unlike bindweed, some gardeners actively cultivate morning glories because of their beautiful flowers. The main difference is in the color of the flowers which are white on bindweed and have a variety of colorful flowers like purple, pink, and lavender for morning glories.
Once you have identified your enemy, now you can move in for the kill. The deep and wide system of roots on the bindweed makes it hard to kill and it will not go easily — you must persist in order to take any ground and guard your yard against any outliers.
A simple, non-chemical method for killing bindweed is to use boiling water by pouring the water on the visible plant and in a wide area around the shoot to help kill the branching roots below the surface.
Another popular non-chemical method of fighting bindweed, which also requires diligence, is to repeatedly prune any bindweed down to the soil. Every time you see a shoot, clip it off because the plant will eventually die from having to expend the energy to re-grow time and time again.
There are other spreading ground covers that will choke out the bindweed because, although the bindweed is persistent, it is not able to compete with other aggressive plants or certain types of grass like Zoysia which grows a network of interlocking roots preventing weeds from growing.
Just remember, there are many yard battles with various weeds and other undesirable plants when cultivating flowers or vegetables and requires hard work and a time commitment, but in the end, it is all worth it.
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]]>The post The 15 Best Vegetables And Fruits To Grow In Your Greenhouse appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>The post The 15 Best Vegetables And Fruits To Grow In Your Greenhouse appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>The post 4 Easy Ways To Keep Your Plants Alive appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>The post 4 Easy Ways To Keep Your Plants Alive appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>The post Beautiful Flowers You Can Grow Indoors appeared first on Gracious Gardening.
]]>Who doesn’t love flowers? They have so much color, vibrancy, and are just a delight to have around the house. If you’re looking for some excellent indoor flowers, we have quite the variety in store for you today. No longer do you have to worry about protecting your flowers from the elements. Here are some beautiful flowers to enjoy inside!
These gorgeous little flowers are one of the easiest houseplants you can keep in your home. There are literally hundreds of forms and varieties. They vary from flower to flower, so if you don’t like one you can choose another one instead. African Violets do require filtered sunlight and warm conditions, so make sure the temperature stays moderately warm wherever you place them at. They also have soft, fuzzy leaves you have to be very careful about. If you get cold water on them brown spots can appear on the leaves. On a positive note, if someone likes your flowers you can share them! All you have to do is cut off a leaf and put it in some potting soil.
Do you want flowers that appear a little more delicate? Flowering Maple is another gorgeous flowering plant. Its leaves have the appearance of festive lanterns when they bloom. They come in a variety of colors and shades such as: yellow, red, orange, and pink. You can grow the plant like a tree, keep it in a hanging basket, or just snip its leaves back so it appears to be a shrub. It does require moderate temperatures of 65-75 degrees, and some bright light to grow. This flowering plant grows fast, so be careful about keeping it trimmed.
The air inside your home can become very dry with low humidity. Peace lilies are excellent for these conditions, and actually prefer to have low light to grow. Their flowers are spoon shaped, and grow in a creamy white color. The summer is when these flowers tend to bloom the most. Even when the plant is not flowering, its leaves are very decorative. They can even withstand partially high and low temperatures between 60-85 degrees. Just make sure the soil remains moist for the flower so it can grow properly. Do be aware though, the peace lily is poisonous to animals and plants if chewed on. So make sure it’s in a place where they cannot reach it.
These are only a handful of some of the most gorgeous indoor flowers you can grow. You can keep these flowers in pots, and enjoy them year round. Even if they’re not always flowering, the greenery makes them look very attractive. Since the plants are indoors, they will also make sure you have a fresh supply of air since they feed off of carbon dioxide. Also, be sure to check any flowers you bring inside no pets or children will try to chew on. Some varieties are poisonous.
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