Planting and Harvesting Bush Fruits: Raspberries, Blueberries, and More!
“Bush fruits” is a term that includes a number of perennial flowering plants that produce a soft fruit, such as berries. These are plants...
Late Cabbage: Getting It In the Ground for Winter
Cabbage is a great crop to plant late-season. Southern states can go ahead and plant in late August, for example. Cabbage feeds off the...
When (and How) to Shear Faded Blossoms
Deadheading--or trimming off spent flowers--prolongs flowering by initiating a second flush of smaller and less numerous blooms. This helps to keep a garden attractive...
When to Stop Harvesting For a Strong Next Season
One of our favorite aspects of summer is gardening. We love going out to our gardens every morning, getting our hands covered in soil...
Checking Trees for Gypsy Moth Cocoons
Introduced to the United States as a part of a silk making experiment in 1869, the Gypsy moth is the European nuisance called out...
Mite Control! How to Spray off Ornamentals and (Most) Vegetables
Spider mites are one of the most common pests that attack ornamental plants and vegetables around your home. Even though some people think they...
The Best (and Safest) Repellants to Put on Lilies
With their sweet fragrances, confident flamboyant petals and their easy-going growth cycle, it is no wonder why lilies are among the world's most admired...
When (and How) to Fertilize Hybrid Tea and Modern Roses
Hybrid tea roses and other modern roses--such as grandiflora, floribunda, and polyantha roses--are heavy feeders and are considered high maintenance plants. More frequent fertilization...
Outdoor Gardening: Head Lettuce! [One in a Series]
Many gardeners who are familiar with the ease of growing leaf lettuce shy away from cultivating head lettuce. However, this plant can also be...
Harvesting Flowers for Indoor Display
Having flowers in the yard or garden liven up and beautify any home. Fresh cut flowers harvested from the outdoors and placed on a...
When to Harvest Spinach, Leaf Lettuce and Broccoli
Every gardener will agree that one of the best things about growing crops is harvesting them. To finally gather and indulge in your labor...
Removing Faded Roses: How and When!
When tending to a garden, proper care and upkeep is necessary for a healthy and beautiful gathering of plants and flowers. Roses are one...
How to Decrease Risk of Fungal Disease in the Garden
In the humidity of the growing season, garden hygiene is of utmost importance in order to keep plants free of fungi. Prevention is the...
Dig & Divide! Spring Blooming Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, and Bearded Iris
Did you know that spring blooming perennial plants may be divided to produce smaller plants? Not only does dividing perennial plants double or triple...
When to Begin Harvesting Summer Squash
It's starting to feel like we're in the peak of summer. Some of us are even caught up in heat waves. And with summer...
How to Transfer Annual Seedlings to the Garden
We're settling into our gardening now, and beginning to look back at where we began the season. Starting seeds indoors is a great way...
How to Transplant Melons and Squash into the Outdoor Garden
It may be hot, but there's still time to start transplanting those seedlings you started a few weeks ago into the outdoor garden. Melons...
Early July Pest Check!
Summer has seriously settled in, and it's time to get serious about pest maintenance. This growing season had a late start for much of...
How and When To Stake Tomato Plants For Best Growth
For many gardeners, there is nothing more rewarding than growing fresh organic tomato plants in your garden. Having access to your own fresh tomato...