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How to Grow Indian Corn

We often think about getting back to the earth, and there's nothing like growing your own corn. You can get a pretty good crop...

Harvest Some Peaches (And Make Some Peach Cobbler!)

When you think of Summer, does the thought of ripe, fuzzy peaches come to mind? Can you picture yourself biting into it, the juice...

How To Grow Licorice (As Herbs or Roots)!

National Licorice Day is April 12th!  Licorice is a perennial plant with spiked blue feathery leaves and a root with a sweet flavor.  It...

Dandelions: The Good, the Bad and the Deadly

There are well over 200 different species of dandelion. It's true. Most people don't even realize it, but you could have several different species...

The Animals (and Other Things) That You Want In Your Garden

April 10th, 2013 is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Day, in honor of the 147th anniversary of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty...

How to Grow Grapes for Raisins (And A Recipe for National Raisin and Spice...

es Grapes and the vines they grow on are quite the versatile fruit. They can be used to make just about anything from jams and...

How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Yard and Garden

April 4th is World Rat Day--which is a perfectly fine day for promoting the idea of  keeping rats in a cage and enjoying them...

How to Grow Citrus Trees

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about growing citrus trees is that they are difficult to grow, especially if you live in the...

It’s National Frog Month–And Your Garden Will Love Them!

You can spend a lot of time communing with nature in your garden. Hours can pass as you enjoy all the beauty and life...

March 31st is Tater Day, And We’re Getting Ready with Sweet Potatoes!

In Benton, Kentucky each year, locals celebrate an age-old tradition called Tater Day. Tater Day was started in 1843 as a celebration of spring...

Cabbage Makes For Good Spring Planting & Even Better Eating!

As a cool season vegetable, cabbage is best grown in Spring and Fall. This year, however, Fall has lingered right into Spring, and we've...

It’s Pecan Day–So We Celebrate Strong Pecan Trees and Good Eating!

Pecan Day is celebrated on March 25th of every year. In fact, the pecan is such a beloved nut that there’s National Pecan Day also...

March is Ending! Last Chance For Bare Root Fruit Trees!

If you've been thinking about planting fruit trees, now is the time to start planning. March is the very end of the prime time...

Springtime Gardening: This Weekend’s Checklist

We're almost confident that it's not going to snow this weekend!  That  means we're going to finally be able to drag Mother Nature into...

Spring Pruning! Flowering Trees and Shrubs

When winter begins to turn to spring, and you cannot wait to get into your garden, pruning is a good place to start. Pruning...

Container Gardening In Small Spaces

You don't need a large yard to start your dream garden. There are many cases where small yards, patios, and balconies provide just enough...

