Four Steps to Designing a Box Garden

box garden

Box gardens are becoming more and more popular every day. That’s because they are ideal for those who experience mobility issues, as these don’t require much bending or physical labor like a traditional garden would.  In fact, these box gardens can even be elevated making them even easier to reach.  If a box garden sounds like something you want in your home, take a look at the steps below on how to design one:

Step One: Pick the plants you want for your box garden

  • Before you do anything, it is important to know exactly what plants you want to grow in your box garden.  Then, once you decide on that, you need to group your plants into categories based on how much sunlight they are going to need every day. You should also group your plants together with ones that are similar to each other. After all, you want them to benefit from one another. For example, marigolds work to repel nematodes on tomato plants. That’s why you tend to see them planted next to each other.

Step Two:  Make sure that each plant gets what it needs

  • Besides categorizing plants in the ways mentioned above, you should also group them together by which ones need plenty of space and which ones must grow in tight quarters. Actually, many times flowers and vegetables look great together in a container garden.  Remember, these gardens are not limited to one or the other.

Step Three: Pick your containers

  • Once you settle on which containers you want to make up your garden, head to a local garden supply store. There, you will not only find containers but traditional pots too. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that practically any box that holds water can be converted into a plant holder. Some container gardens even feature hanging plants or untreated wood boxes.

Step Four: Design your garden’s setup

  • In order to figure out what to plant where, you should draft up a small hand-drawn replica of your garden. From there, cut out the different shapes of your boxes and begin moving them around until you find the setup that works best.


Image: iStockPhoto

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Stephanie Coffey is a 24-year-old Rutgers University graduate who currently hails from New Jersey. Living just a bus ride away from New York City, she thrives off of nights spent there with friends. Music means everything to her, and on any given day you can find her rocking out at a concert. Besides that, she's obsessed with the St. Louis Cardinals and is practically attached to her television screen during baseball season. Stephanie believes there's nothing more thrilling than traveling the country and hopes to visit every single state during her lifetime. Last but not least, if you give her coffee, she'll love you forever. Find her on Twitter.