Are you the house that people slow down for during the holidays because of your abundant display of lights? Or maybe for you, less is more. A cute snowman, a few reindeer and a lighted tree in soft white might be enough to illuminate your Holiday spirit. Either way, we’ve got you covered with these can’t-go-wrong tips for hanging your outdoor Holiday lights.
Hanging Outdoor Holiday Lights
Plan your design. Do. Not. Wing. It. Really, trust us. Everyone will see your house lit up and every day that you pull in your driveway, you’ll curse the lopsided-ness of your overall design. To avoid that, begin by picking a focal point. Start with the home itself by focusing on columns or an entry way.
Consider how festive you want to be. How many areas do you have the time, money, and patience to cover? Some choices are:
- Along your roofline (ladder and no fear of heights required)
- Atop bushes, hedges and railings. If you’re going to cover your hedges, be sure to rip out your dead flowers and plants. It doesn’t look pretty next to majestic, twinkling lights.
- Around pillars and posts for a more regal look
- Around windows and door frames (This can look busy really quickly. Be sure you’re ready for this.)
- Inside window boxes/planters for a more artistic feel (This looks nice around some faux poinsettia arrangements).
Measure every straight light that you wish to adorn with lights. There is nothing worse than realizing you have half of what you need and it’s now Sunday at 8PM. And no, you may not take a sick day to finish your lights tomorrow.
How many lights you need to decorate each individual structure is up to your personal taste. A rule of thumb is 100 lights for every 1 ½ ft of tree or shrub. So this means, that a 6ft evergreen will need at least 400 lights for full coverage at a basic level.
Decide on light color. All “white” lights are not created equal. LEDs have a blush tint, whereas incandescent bulbs have an orange tint. If you mix and match them, they will look, well…mismatched. If you need to buy some new lights to hang with your old, be aware that color can change over time. Best to buy a whole new batch.
Figure out what kind of light you need. When in doubt, go with LED lights. They will save energy and money, and you won’t have to worry about overheating. Then, decide on your color scheme. If you’re whole neighborhood is using white lights, why not spice it up a bit with colorful lights? Are you feeling a bit nostalgic? Go with the big bulbs for the most traditional Holiday feel (even though you might annoy your neighbors).
If you’re doing icicle lights to add dimension to your look, be sure to bunch them closer together, or the look will be lost. For your bushes, it will save you time and a headache to use net lights. These tips will certainly brighten up your outdoor decor.
How do you arrange your outdoor Holiday lights?
Image: iStockPhoto