Even though it’s winter, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be preparing and educating yourself on how to take care of your garden this summer so your plants thrive! If you are like me and live in the deep south, you know how hot it can get in the summertime. Here in Georgia, we get temperatures of over 100 degrees frequently through October! Crazy, right?
How to heatproof your garden:
High heats and little precipitation can make your plants suffer greatly. That’s why it’s very important to heatproof your garden in preparation for high temperatures. When it gets to be Spring and Summer, you never really know when a heat wave is going to strike, so being prepared is the right way to go.
First of all, take care to water your plants frequently: at least twice a day during the hot months. You should water your plants once before it gets hot, 9am or earlier, and once in the evening. However, if you know anything about evaporation, you know that hot temperatures d not allow plants to absorb water as well as they should be. That’s why you should think about purchasing a soil-wetting agent, which will allow the soil to absorb water better and feed your plants.
Also, remember to not over-fertilize. When it gets too hot you feel like your plants need the extra boost, however take care to not feed them too much fertilizer, because the nitrogen in it can actually cause your lawn and plants to contract diseases and die off. Make sure to only fertilize in the fall and spring, when temperatures are more moderate.
Another tip is to choose plants that are more heat-tolerant than those who thrive in moderate heat. If you set yourself up to fail, then you probably will in this area! Choose plants that are native to Australia, which thrive in high heat and little rain. Examples of plants to choose would be Kangaroo paws, lemon myrtle hedges, dwarf eucalyptus and Sydney rock lily.
Finally, remember to mulch your garden regularly so that your plants can absorb as much water as possible. Use bark for the best effect, which helps to control the temperature of plants and helps to keep them moist.
Knowing what to do to keep your garden as healthy and happy as possible for the Summer months is important. You never know when a super hot day will come along and before you know it, your plants are wilting and your left vegetable-less! Be prepared and reap the benefits of your garden for months to come.