How To Utilize A Retaining Wall

Retaining Wall

Of course, not everyone has to even consider a retaining wall. Many people stake out there garden plot on extremely flat land, mostly because that’s what they have to deal with. Those individuals with flat areas to garden in have to figure drainage and irrigation into their plans well before hand to create a truly successful harvesting garden. Those that have to negotiate even the slightest pitch in their land, have plenty of options to think about when it comes to how to handle their own drainage and irrigation situation. There are those that must think very seriously about retaining wall options because of considerable inclines on their property.

Different Types Of Retaining Walls

The many types of retaining walls can get very confusing very fast without a little guidance. There are different types of retaining walls to confront very specific types of situations. A gravity wall relies on its sheer weight to hold back earth and soil. A cantilevered wall relies heavily upon its weighted shafts extending out both forward and backward for perfect balance. A sheet piling wall works best for smaller areas of loose dirt, placing the majority of the whole within the earth with a possible counter weight. A bored piling wall introduces the use of heavy beams to reinforce the wall. Anchored walls use various heavy materials to anchor the wall in whatever direction necessary.

Choosing The Retaining Wall That Is Right For You

The alternatives and varied techniques to be utilized when approaching a retaining wall are really dependent upon the needs and size you are dealing with. All sorts of rebar beams and meshes can be added to your retaining wall to provide that added edge of strength. Once you’ve successfully gauged the extent in which you your retaining wall needs to go, you can then begin to route your drainage pipes. Using lengths of PVC tubing, you can perfectly route water to drain exactly where you want it to. This can be used to create a natural pond or just as your gardens life source. You can regulate the amount of water your garden will receive on a daily basis and exactly where it will flow. All of this through creating the correct retaining wall for your needs.

Image: iStockPhoto

  • TAGS
  • best retaining wall
  • gardening ideas
  • Retaining Wall
  • Types of retaining walls
  • wall ideas
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