4 Delightful Things You Didn’t Know About Daisies

Daisies are one of the most recognizable and well liked flowers that ever bloomed. Giving birth to poetry, songs and a once popular girls name, the daisy has an enduring quality that brings feelings of goodness and purity. Maybe it’s the white color or the pretty petals. Here are four delightful things you didn’t know about daisies that may interest you and make you love the ever popular daisy even more.

daisy facts flower

  • Day’s Eye: The daisy got its name from old English and was once called the “daes eage” which translates to the day’s eye. The cute little flower closes its petals around its bright yellow center at night and opens back up with the sunrise, the start of a new day. The lovely yellow center is the sun and the white petals represent innocence. In the middle ages, children would make daisy chains to wear during May Day celebrations.
  • Eat Up: Daisy petals are edible and can be used in making salads. Daisies have also been reported to reduce the pain of a headache. Daisy petals are related to the artichoke, and they are also high in Vitamin C which helps boost our immune system. So eat up and enjoy your daisies!
  • Two Flowers: The daisy is actually two flowers in one. The yellow center is one bloom and the surrounding petals are another independent bloom. While native to north and central Europe, daisies can now be found on every continent except Antarctica. They are part of the largest group of flowering plants called Aster, and this family of plants constitutes around 10% of all flowering plants growing on the earth today. Most daisies have white petals and a yellow disc center, but there are also other colors to look for as well.
  • Weeds: Unfortunately, if you don’t control your daisy population, they can become weeds. This is due to the fact that daisies are highly prolific and can thrive in almost any location and in almost any condition. There is a huge problem of English daisies as weed infestations in the American northwest. Just be careful and give your daisies adequate care and pruning to control the spread of the flowers beyond where you want or need them.

Do you know any fun Daisy facts?