What To Do With All Your Tomatoes

What To Do With All Your Tomatoes

End of summer harvest is a busy time for gardening. The fruits and vegetables that mature at this time seem to happen all at once and in abundance. I recently wrote about what to do with all of the cucumbers. Each seed is very unique and has the potential to provide and fulfill very specific needs not only in the kitchen, but in the household as well as our lives’. That being said, I felt that tomatoes deserved similar time and attention. That, and a lot of people ask me what they can do with all of their tomatoes, so here it is.

When tomatoes come to maturity, they come in great numbers, often leaving the gardener scratching their head in amazement and wonder. Wonder what the heck can be done with all of these tomatoes. I think most people’s first instinct, aside from utilizing them in daily meals, is to begin supplying family and friends with a share of the plentiful bounty from the garden. Then it moves on to neighbors, the postman, your favorite clerk, and so forth on down the line. I’m often surprised at how fast some people run out of ideas on what to make in the kitchen with their tomatoes.

What To Do With All Your Tomatoes In The Kitchen

Tomatoes offer a great source of nutrition when eaten raw sliced up on a sandwich or tossed in with a salad. Other great ideas on using your fresh tomatoes right away in the kitchen include making a batch of sauce, salsa, soup, or juicing them. If you’d like to save some of your tomatoes for a later use you should be glad to know they can be jarred or canned easily. They also freeze quite well or can be sun dried. What a lot of gardeners don’t know is the numerous things that can be done with tomatoes outside of the kitchen.

What To Do With All Your Tomatoes Outside Your Kitchen

You might have known tomatoes have a very high acidic level, but did you know that they actually make a great facial cleaner? Depending upon your skin type, mix the juice of a tomato with the appropriate amount of aloe vera juice and you’ve got skin cleanser. Tomatoes are also great to aide common skin burn, and sunburn. Even the ingestion of tomato helps with protecting your skin from the sun. These things and many more should give you plenty of things to do with all of your tomatoes.

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