Authors Posts by Stephanie Coffey

Stephanie Coffey

Stephanie Coffey is a 24-year-old Rutgers University graduate who currently hails from New Jersey. Living just a bus ride away from New York City, she thrives off of nights spent there with friends. Music means everything to her, and on any given day you can find her rocking out at a concert. Besides that, she's obsessed with the St. Louis Cardinals and is practically attached to her television screen during baseball season. Stephanie believes there's nothing more thrilling than traveling the country and hopes to visit every single state during her lifetime. Last but not least, if you give her coffee, she'll love you forever. Find her on Twitter.

How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy in Three Steps

poison ivy
Plain and simple, poison ivy is a gardener's worst nightmare. That's because the resin in their oil is actually toxic, meaning it can cause everything...

How to Store Dahlia Bulbs

dahlia bulb
For those who don't know what a dahlia is, it is a flowering plant that derives from a tuberous bulb. While gardeners tend to love...

Five Steps to Drying Flowers

drying flowers
Do you love the way your home is full of fresh looking flowers during these summer months? Don't you wish your house could stay...

Five Steps to Preserving Tomatoes

preserving tomatoes
If you grow tomatoes every summer, you know that by the end of it you tend to end up with an overabundance of fruit....

Five Health Benefits of Cauliflower

cauliflower health benefits
One of our favorite vegetables to eat throughout this time of the year is cauliflower.  After all, you can eat this vegetable raw...

3 Ways to Use Citrus Fruit Peels in the Garden

citrus peel
Whenever we eat citrus fruits, we are so accustomed to just throwing out the peels afterwards. However, did you know that instead of tossing...

Six Health Benefits of Plums

When summer rolls around, who doesn't love to eat plums? While they're extremely tasty and juicy, plums are also packed with so many nutrients...

Four Foods That Help You Sleep

food that helps you sleep
In a recent study, it was proven that more than 50 million Americans do not get enough sleep every night. This could mean everything from...

Steps to Making a Seed Bomb

seed bomb
If you are looking for a new way to propagate seeds in your garden, it is best to create seed bombs. Seed bombs, which...

Four Foods That Lower Cholesterol

lower cholesterol
When it comes to your body, the last thing you want is for your cholesterol to be too high. This could lead to a...

Five Steps to Identifying Cherry Trees

cherry tree
Here at Gardening Technique, one of our favorite types of trees is the cherry tree. That is because it has such a beautiful blossom...

How to Choose a Lawn Type For Your Environment

lawn types
Of course every landowner has big dreams of having a green lawn that they can look out at every single day. However, in order to...

Five Health Benefits of Lemons

We have all put lemons in our drinking water before, but do you know that this fruit does way more than just flavor your...

Four Uses of Aloe Vera

aloe vera
When most people think of aloe vera, they automatically picture sunburns. That's because this type of plant is known for naturally treating your skin...

Four Steps to Finding a Four Leaf Clover

four leaf clover
If there is one thing a four leaf clover is known for, it is giving those who find it good luck and fortune. However,...

Five Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

herbs that lower blood pressure
Who doesn't love to throw herbs into their foods and drinks? With one quick pinch, herbs can completely transform and flavor whatever you're diving...

Five Health Benefits of Onions

Onions may have a reputation for leaving you with stinky breath, but there is so much more to this vegetable. That's right, onions are...

Four Steps to Making Fertilizer From Banana Peels

banana peel fertilizer
Who does not love to eat a banana? After all, this fruit is all kinds of delicious. Did you know, though, that you can...

Five Health Benefits of Peaches

peach health benefits
Nothing tastes quite as refreshing as peaches do in the summer. This fruit can be used as an ingredient in everything from iced teas...

